
Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Role of Parliament

There are three main jobs for the parliament. One of the jobs is to make new laws and make amendments to the previous law. The last main job for the parliament to do is decide how tax money should be spent. If I were a member of parliament I would spend the tax money to help the homeless people, the people that are struggling financially and students that cannot afford to go to school. I would choose to use the money on these three things because I do not like seeing people go through tough times and I dislike seeing people struggle. If the parliament chose to spend their money on these things then I believe it will be very helpful to the community and it will be really beneficial for many people.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Plastic Bag Ban

Today I read an article on the Government decision to ban plastic but the leader of the National party (Simon Bridges) thinks that it'll be a waste of time and will make no difference at all and Jacinda Ardern the leader of the Labour party and also the Prime Minister of New Zealand agrees that it will make a difference and it will make the country a lot cleaner and better. I personally disagree that banning plastic bags will make anything better because if people want to go to the supermarket they would have to take school bags or just hold their groceries in their hands because the store would have no plastic bags to provide. Jacinda Ardern believes that banning plastic bags would be safer for the environment and the animals but even without plastic bags people in the local community can still litter and throw their rubbish all over the ground and in the gutters or even through drains. I believe that the government is looking to make this happen but the impact it will have on the people of New Zealand is stuff like banning plastic bags will make it harder to carry multiple things around at once not only in a supermarket but around any store or maybe around in public.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Russian Migrants

Today me and my partner Kauri presented our migrant inquiry presentation on Russian immigrants and I feel like we presented well and it actually went better then I thought. There were a few things that we could've improved on such as eye contact with audience, more information, etc. Overall I think presenting to the class wasn't very challenging but there were some parts that I struggled with like speaking without laughing and also listening to other presentations.