Monday, 19 November 2018
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Role of Parliament
There are three main jobs for the parliament. One of the jobs is to make new laws and make amendments to the previous law. The last main job for the parliament to do is decide how tax money should be spent. If I were a member of parliament I would spend the tax money to help the homeless people, the people that are struggling financially and students that cannot afford to go to school. I would choose to use the money on these three things because I do not like seeing people go through tough times and I dislike seeing people struggle. If the parliament chose to spend their money on these things then I believe it will be very helpful to the community and it will be really beneficial for many people.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Plastic Bag Ban
Today I read an article on the Government decision to ban plastic but the leader of the National party (Simon Bridges) thinks that it'll be a waste of time and will make no difference at all and Jacinda Ardern the leader of the Labour party and also the Prime Minister of New Zealand agrees that it will make a difference and it will make the country a lot cleaner and better. I personally disagree that banning plastic bags will make anything better because if people want to go to the supermarket they would have to take school bags or just hold their groceries in their hands because the store would have no plastic bags to provide. Jacinda Ardern believes that banning plastic bags would be safer for the environment and the animals but even without plastic bags people in the local community can still litter and throw their rubbish all over the ground and in the gutters or even through drains. I believe that the government is looking to make this happen but the impact it will have on the people of New Zealand is stuff like banning plastic bags will make it harder to carry multiple things around at once not only in a supermarket but around any store or maybe around in public.
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Russian Migrants
Today me and my partner Kauri presented our migrant inquiry presentation on Russian immigrants and I feel like we presented well and it actually went better then I thought. There were a few things that we could've improved on such as eye contact with audience, more information, etc. Overall I think presenting to the class wasn't very challenging but there were some parts that I struggled with like speaking without laughing and also listening to other presentations.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Migration Model/paragraph
Many people are migrating from Tokelau to New Zealand and not much of them are wanting to go back to their home. There are multiple push and pull reasons on why people want to stay in New Zealand. The push reasons are the negative reasons that cause people to leave their home or their country and the pull reasons are the positive reasons that force people out of their home country. There are two different flows, in this migration model the mainstream flow is bigger because there are more people migrating from Tokelau to New Zealand. The counter stream flow is thinner because not many people are moving back to Tokelau. Most people move to New Zealand for a better education or a better life in general. Then there’s some people who move to New Zealand because of the weather or maybe some people like the food in New Zealand and they don’t really like Island or the Tokelauan food in particular.
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Tokelau in 20 years time
Predict what the future of Tokelau will be like in 20 years time.
In 20 years time I think there may not be any more land in Tokelau due to all the climate changes happening to all 3 atolls and also rising sea levels. I also think there might be less traditional foods eaten or events because Tokelauan people are starting to only eat imported foods and using more modern ways to gather and collect food. Another possibility that could happen in 20 years time in Tokelau is that they might have modernised houses and cars. They might also have proper lined concrete roads instead of just plain gravel or rocks. In the future they might also become more independent and no longer a part of or teamed up with New Zealand. It is also possible for them to have hovercraft vehicles that get them to different destinations faster. These are all just ideas but maybe in 20 years time Tokelau could still be the same.
Predict what the future of Tokelau will be like in 20 years time.
In 20 years time I think there may not be any more land in Tokelau due to all the climate changes happening to all 3 atolls and also rising sea levels. I also think there might be less traditional foods eaten or events because Tokelauan people are starting to only eat imported foods and using more modern ways to gather and collect food. Another possibility that could happen in 20 years time in Tokelau is that they might have modernised houses and cars. They might also have proper lined concrete roads instead of just plain gravel or rocks. In the future they might also become more independent and no longer a part of or teamed up with New Zealand. It is also possible for them to have hovercraft vehicles that get them to different destinations faster. These are all just ideas but maybe in 20 years time Tokelau could still be the same.
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
A trip to remote Tokelau
A trip to Remote Tokelau
Sitting on a boat, full of excitement and happiness wondering how happy my family would be to see me. I lay down for a while and attempt to take a nap but the excitement was a bit too much for me to sleep. I know my whole family, especially my parents would be very happy to see me after many years I spent studying back in Australia. Getting closer to my village, noticing all the changes and thinking about the even better changes that I can make with all the knowledge that I've gathered from the Australian people.
Sitting on a boat, full of excitement and happiness wondering how happy my family would be to see me. I lay down for a while and attempt to take a nap but the excitement was a bit too much for me to sleep. I know my whole family, especially my parents would be very happy to see me after many years I spent studying back in Australia. Getting closer to my village, noticing all the changes and thinking about the even better changes that I can make with all the knowledge that I've gathered from the Australian people.
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Social studies concepts.
Today in Social Studies we learnt about 2 new Social Studies Concepts, one was Migration and Globalisation.
The first concept Migration means moving from one region to another. There are two different migrations the first one being external migration and the other being internal migration. External Migration is when you move from region to region (country to country) while Internal Migration is Moving areas or houses in the same country or region.
The second social studies concept we learnt about was Globalisation. Globalisation is the process by which businesses or other organisations develop international influence or start operating in other countries and becomes worldwide. For example Facebook which actually started in America but is now worldwide and internationally famous, this is a good example of Globalisation.
The first concept Migration means moving from one region to another. There are two different migrations the first one being external migration and the other being internal migration. External Migration is when you move from region to region (country to country) while Internal Migration is Moving areas or houses in the same country or region.
The second social studies concept we learnt about was Globalisation. Globalisation is the process by which businesses or other organisations develop international influence or start operating in other countries and becomes worldwide. For example Facebook which actually started in America but is now worldwide and internationally famous, this is a good example of Globalisation.
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
What does A.N.Z.A.C Day mean to me?
What does A.N.Z.A.C mean to me.?
Why is it important to commemorate A.N.Z.A.C day?
It is important to commemorate Anzac Day because it is a special day or remembering and honouring those who had the courage to fight for their country in the WW1. Also because we will never forget the heroes that fought for us and our country back then so it is important to commemorate them on this special day.

Friday, 6 April 2018
Toro Nagashi
The tradition I chose to do my presentation on is Toro Nagashi which is a Traditional Japanese Ceremony. I chose to research on this tradition is because Japan is a country that I know nothing about and I thought that researching about a Japanese tradition would help me learn much more.
Some interesting aspects about this ceremony/tradition is that they actually use a special type of paper to make the lanterns that they put in the water. Another interesting fact is that the ceremony is actually held on the final night of the Bon festival which is another Japanese tradition/celebration.
Last week I had to present my work to the class. While I was presenting I felt confident but I know I could have done better. I feel I could improve in providing more information in my slides and having more eye contact with the audience. There were some positive aspects during my presentation such as the volume of my voice. I felt like I spoke clear and confidently.
Some interesting aspects about this ceremony/tradition is that they actually use a special type of paper to make the lanterns that they put in the water. Another interesting fact is that the ceremony is actually held on the final night of the Bon festival which is another Japanese tradition/celebration.
Last week I had to present my work to the class. While I was presenting I felt confident but I know I could have done better. I feel I could improve in providing more information in my slides and having more eye contact with the audience. There were some positive aspects during my presentation such as the volume of my voice. I felt like I spoke clear and confidently.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Hot cakes
Today in cooking class we made hotcakes her are the steps to make this.
- 1 ½ cups of self rising flour
- ½ cups of sugar
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 egg
Step 1 mix all these ingredients together in a bowl. Mix well. Once well mixed Butter the pan and then fry two cakes at a time and wait until the pancakes are golden brown. Once the bottom bit is golden brown you flip wait again until that side is golden brown. Then sever the finishing product on a plate and make more if you have left overs.
This is what we finished with.
Friday, 23 March 2018
Decimals, Fractions and Percentages
Today in Maths we learnt about decimals, fractions and also percentages.
We learnt how to convert and also find the percentages and fractions of a whole number.
Although I already knew all of this it was good to revise the things that I have learnt before and next I would like to learn more challenging things.
We learnt how to convert and also find the percentages and fractions of a whole number.
Although I already knew all of this it was good to revise the things that I have learnt before and next I would like to learn more challenging things.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Chocolate muffins
Today for food tech we had to make Chocolate muffins. This is how we made it and what our result was.
Dry ingredients:
1 ½ cup of SR flour
½ cup of coco
½ cup of sugar.
Wet ingredients:
1 cup of milk
1 egg
¼ cup of oil
Put all Dry ingredients into a big bowl and put all wet ingredients into a small bowl.
Mix both separately and then combine them together.
Mix them well until dark brown.
Then get out your muffin tray and use a spoon to scoop some of the mixture into the muffin tray.
Then when you’re done filling up every spot of the muffin tray then bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
After it is fully baked then you can eat.
Thank you.
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
Made in Taiwan Summary
Oscar and Nathan went on a trip to lots of different islands for a lot of reasons but the main reason was to find out where they come from and where the Polynesians originate from. Their Journey was successful for many different reasons, these are some of the reasons why…
They came across many interesting discoveries some of them were related to language, food and even artwork. One of the most interesting discoveries that they came across was the Lapita pottery because it was from about 3000 years ago and they have the same patterns that Samoans and other Polynesian Islands still use till this day. They also discovered that their language was very similar to the Taiwanese language and they also discovered that some of the dances were similar and also their food was similar.
There’s lots of evidence that supports the theory of the Polynesians originated from Asia such as the food being very similar and also the language. But the main evidence has to be the Lapita pottery because it has similar patterns and is from 3000 years ago as I had explained in the last paragraph. Another part of evidence that supports the theory is the traditions and dances that are similar, because they went to Taiwan and saw that their dance or performance was very similar to a Haka.
For me personally, I now believe that Polynesians originated from Asia due to all the similarities and evidence. I think their trip didn’t only help them but it also helped many other people realise their ancestors and where they originate from.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Sponge Roll
Sponge Roll
Today in food tech we made Sponge roll. This is how you make a Sponge roll
4 eggs
1 cup of Flour
1 cup of Sugar
Part 1:
- Put all 4 eggs in a bowl and add the sugar.
- Once you’ve done that you use the electric whisk till it’s creamy.
Part 2:
- Then add the flour into the creamy sponge mixture.
- Mix the flour in till it dissolves.
Part 3:
- Put in the oven till it’s brown.
- Once it’s brown then you take it out and roll it up till it cools down.
Part 4:
- Once it is cool unroll it and add some cream inside.
- Then roll it up again and put whipped cream on top along with some chocolate sauce (Optional).
Then eat it.
Pasta Salad
Pasta Salad
Today at cooking class we made Pasta Salad. Here are the steps of making Pasta Salad.
Step 2) Add pasta and cook until soft.
Step 3) Drain under cold water using the colander.
Step 4) Dice onion and fry until cooked.
Step 5) Dice tomatoes and wait.
Step 6) Add the ham into the frying pan.
Step 7) Cool it down
Step 8) Combine and mix all the ingredients with mayo.
Then Serve!
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Polynesian Migration
Polynesian Migration
The two theories I have chosen to compare are South America and Asia. Some people believe they come from Asia and others believe they come from South America.
A theorist named Thor Heyerdahl believes that Polynesians come from South America because one part of evidence is that He noticed that the wind and Ocean currents from the east may have pushed travellers to the pacific. Another part of evidence is that He discovered huge statues of some of the ancient civilisations of South America. He also constructed a boat called the kon-tiki he sailed on the raft for 101 days to test his theory, and it washed up on raroia, an island in Eastern Polynesian. The last part of evidence is that the kumara found in New Zealand was also found in South America.
The next theory about Polynesians being originated in Asia was believed by many theorists because there was found to be a lot of different types of evidence such as the first part of evidence is Language, A lot of the Asian language is similar throughout the pacific. We belong to the Austronesian family of languages, e.g.. When counting from 1 - 10. Another piece of evidence is Food Most common food like taro, yams and banana come from Asia. The next piece of evidence is Pottery, Lapita pottery can be found at various sites from the Philippines, through Melanesian, to Samoa and Tonga. The last piece of evidence is Religious Beliefs, On every island from Samoa to Easter island, from Hawaiki to New Zealand there are traditionals.
These theories do not have any similarities but to me the Asia one is much more believable because the language part is such as the counting being similar is better evidence than all the South American theory evidence.
Friday, 16 February 2018
This weeks Maths
Today we are reflecting on what we have learnt in maths this week using the letters of the word LAND. Here is what I learnt this week
L - I learnt about BEDMAS and how it works.
A - People helped me learn by not distracting me and reminding Actions me to focus on my work.
N - Next I want to learn about integers and how they work.
D - Things I would like to do differently is the way we learn
Differently things, like I think it would be better if we had a more fun and exciting way to learn like games.
L - I learnt about BEDMAS and how it works.
A - People helped me learn by not distracting me and reminding Actions me to focus on my work.
N - Next I want to learn about integers and how they work.
D - Things I would like to do differently is the way we learn
Differently things, like I think it would be better if we had a more fun and exciting way to learn like games.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Food Tech: Coloured muffins
Today at cooking class we made multi coloured muffins and we chose to make yellow ones.
Here are the steps of making multi coloured muffins .
Here are the steps of making multi coloured muffins .
Dry Ingredients:
- 1-½ cups of S.R.F
- ⅓ cups of sugar.
Wet Ingredients:
- 1 cup milk
- ¼ cups of oil
- 1 lid of vanilla essence
- 3 drops of any colour of food colouring.
Step 1 Turn your oven on to 180° for 15 mins.
Step 2 Wisk both dry and wet ingredients together.
Step 3 Scoop 1 dessert spoon each muffin and top up the rest of the mixture.
Here is the result of our muffins.
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